
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on July 3rd, 2018 in line with GDPR guidelines. We encourage you to periodically check this page for updates to this policy.

Personal privacy is an important topic to us. Our Privacy Policy provides you with clarity on how Abralab, Inc. (Abralab, Us, We, and Our) collect and make use of personal information collected through our website and mobile website, (the “Site”). This statement also outlines who we share data with and our methods for protecting data collected. This Privacy Policy pertains specifically to data collected through our Site, and not through other services, websites, digital, or physical channels. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please exit the Site. For questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

The information we collect

Personal data we collect and store from time to time through our Site and/or when you contact us may include:

  • Name, email, and other contact information;
  • Job application information including name, address, telephone, gender, and other informations as included in your application, resume, and cover letter; and
  • IP or Internet Protocol addresses through web analytics software including Google Analytics;
  • Any other information you may provide to us.

We also collect personal information through use of “cookies” which are files that are stored on your computer. Cookies enable personalization of Site content and features, and allow our analytics software, Google Analytics, to track your use of our website, providing us with data on the overall performance of our Site and its content, as well as traffic sources. We do this so that we can improve our Site based on how our visitors use it.

For more information about Google’s use of cookies, visit Google Analytics. To read about Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy, visit For more general information on how cookies work, visit Note, if you prefer to reduce tracking of your web activity, you can set your browser to block cookies.

How we use the data we collect

We care about your privacy. We will never not sell, share, or otherwise distribute your personal information to any third party. We will only use the personal information we collect for the purposes listed below:

  • To evaluate and respond to your inquiries through email and web form submissions;
  • To review and evaluate job applications including verifying information provided and conducting other reference checks;
  • To communicate with you through our email newsletters;
  • To track analyze your use of our Site;
  • To enforce the Terms of Use of our Site;
  • To apply with any applicable legal requirements, industry standards, and policies; and
  • To understand the needs of our prospects and clients, to make necessary improvements to our Site, messaging, and marketing, and to develop new services.

Personal information may from time to time be provided to third parties services who perform services on our behalf in support of the purposes outlined above, such as marketing automation services, analytics and heatmapping services, and other services that help us to better communicate and serve our visitors, prospects, and clients. Only the personal information required to enable these services will be provided to them for the agreed upon purposes, and we require third parties through contract to not sell or provide your personal information to third parties except as required by law.

Transferring of data

As our Site traffic is global in nature, we may from time to time transfer the personal information we collect through the Site to countries other than the the country in which the information was originally collected. By visiting our Site, and/or by submitting your information through web forms on our Site, you are consenting to this transfer of personal data, and you recognize that data protection laws may differ from country to country. We will maintain our protection of your personal information when we transfer data.


We do our best to protect the personal information you provide to us through technical and organizational measures from unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized use, alteration, disclosure or access. As no electronic data transmission or storage of information is able to be 100% secure, please be aware that we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information to you provide to us.

Linked websites

Our Site may include links to third party websites which are not under our control or managed by us. These third party Sites may have their own published Privacy Policies which we encourage you to familiarize yourself with. We are not responsible for the content contained in linked Sites, your use of linked Sites, or the privacy practices of linked Sites.

Children’s privacy

The Site is not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personal information from children under the age of 13 on the Site. If we discover that we have unknowingly collected personally identifiable information from a visitor under the age of 13, we will take necessary steps to delete such information from our systems.

Your right to request correction and deletion of your information

In accordance to any applicable laws, you may have the right to access certain personal information we maintain about you and obtain a copy of that information. You may also request that personal information be updated, corrected, modified, or deleted, as applicable. To exercise your rights to modify your information, please contact us at To verify your identity before making such modifications to stored information, we may require proof of identity to confirm that you are the individual entitled to request access. Please note that your right to access personal information may be limited in some circumstances by applicable laws.

Your consent

By visiting, you are accepting the terms described in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.

Length of data retention

We will store the personal information we collect for a period of up to 6 years. You may have the opportunity to opt out or update at any point as set forth herein.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify our Privacy Policy from time to time and will post any revisions on the Site to make visitors aware of such changes. We will indicate at the top of this Privacy Policy the date of any applicable modifications. As a visitor to our Site, it is your responsibility to periodically familiarize yourself with updates to our Privacy Policy, and your future use of the Site will constitute your acceptance of any changes made herein.

Getting in touch with us

Questions, comments, and concerns in regards to this Privacy Policy can be sent via email to